Ryan Systems

Building Preventive Control Food Safety and QualityTeams

This is a "how to" course designed to help food companies develop true teams and teamwork among food safety, quality and operational personnel and to structure a teamwork system focused on world-class food safety and quality. Teams help to remove barriers between and among different departments and to combine food safety and quality personnel into focused, goal oriented cooperative teams.

The goal of this training is to help companies create a unified and focused cooperative approach to continuously improving both food quality and safety under a single team system. Teams and teamwork are emphasized. The course covers the following topics:

The course includes 4 modules that are each approximately 15-20 minutes in length. You will download each module in order.

The following topics are covered in the 4 modules.

•Basic Quality Concepts

•Basic Food Safety Concepts

•The Food Safety & Quality Planning Team


• Basic team building, setting team targets and goals

• Establishing organizational teamwork

• Functional and cross functional teams

• Team trigger mechanisms

• Production teams

• Establishing team rules

• Getting rapid response from supervisors, engineers and other support staff

• Team cost controls and reward structures

Training Download and Operating Instructions

All of our training sessions are recorded. Because of this, they may take several minutes to download.

Once the presentation is downloaded into your computer, open the power point by double clicking on the power point icon. After opening the power point presentation, click on the first slide so it shows up on your screen. At the top of your screen you will see the words “Slide Show”. Click on that tab.

Make sure your speakers are turned on and the volume is turned up. On the left top side of your screen you will see a power point icon and the words “From Beginning”. Once you click on that icon, the show will begin automatically. All slides should progress after the discussion of its contents. If a slide does not automatically go to the next slice, click once on the down arrow on your keyboard.

You may also repeat any slide by pressing the up arrow on your keyboard.

Happy Training!