Ryan Systems

Transport 70 Minute FDA FSMA Food Safety Compliance Training

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The final rules on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods establish training requirements for all carrier personnel engaged in food transportation operations. Training certificates are required for all drivers engaged in transportation operations upon hiring and as needed thereafter and such training will cover the following areas:

  • Responsibilities of the carrier under the final rules
  • Awareness of potential food safety problems that may occur during food transportation
  • Basic sanitary transportation practices to address those potential problems

This new law may require significant changes to procedures currently employed for food transportation operations, personnel, vehicles, containers, trailers tools and equipment used in food transportation. The final rules have now established the law which has significant differences from earlier published proposed food transportation rules, laws and guidance documents. Self-reporting of compliance failures is required as are critical shipper-carrier agreements for data, records and reporting.

The final law applies to carriers, shippers, receivers, and loaders engaged in transportation operations whether or not the food is being offered for or enters interstate commerce.

It is mandatory that the following people be certified:

  • All carrier transportation operations’ employees of foods not completely enclosed by a container engaged in food transportation operations whether or not the food is being offered for or enters interstate commerce
  • Interstate, intrastate and import carrier personnel
  • Business owners
  • Compliance Professionals
  • Managers
  • Buyers
  • Supervisors
  • Internal food safety audit team members
  • Load and Unload Personnel
  • Maintenance Personnel
  • Food Safety Employees
  • New business development, sales and marketing specialists
  • Inspectors
  • Trainers

What carriers are exempt?

  • Carriers with an average annual income less than $500,000
  • Carriers of food completely enclosed by a container
  • Carriers of live food animals, except molluscan shellfish

A Certificate Will Be Issued to Each Trainee*

Course Description:

Module 1: Responsibilities of the Carrier Under the Final Rules

This session covers the Final Rules on the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods as published by FDA under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Learning objectives:

  • Understand FDA FSMA Law for the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Foods
  • Understand changes from the proposed FDA FSMA rules
  • Know the different requirements for shippers, carriers and receivers
  • Understand the FDA waiver requirements

Module 2: Awareness of Potential Food Safety Problems That May Occur During Transportation

This session covers: bacteria, chemical and physical hazards, preventive control of hazards that can impact food during food load, unload and transportation operations; prevention versus corrective action, misuse of disinfectants and sanitizers, not cleaning bins, trays, pallets and other tools and equipment used in carrier operations, cross contamination, employee personnel hygiene, temperature variation; vehicle, container and trailer traceability and reporting systems, reefer failures, lack of container maintenance, improper or missing container security systems, accidents, and recalls.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand basic bacterial, chemical and physical hazards
  • Know what prevention means
  • Know how tools and equipment, pallets, trays, bins, gaskets, hoses, load and unload systems, vehicles, containers and trailers can contaminate foods
  • Understand the impact of temperature variation on food safety and food quality
  • Know what conditions occur in transportation operations that may cause bacterial growth
  • Be able to prevent cross contamination
  • Know what missing records can mean
  • Know what action to take if a reefer fails or a container is out of acceptable maintenance condition
  • Understand accident protocols
  • Be able to participate in recalls

Module 3: Basic Sanitary Transportation Practices to Address Food Transportation Sanitation Problems

This session includes: contracts of carriage and agreements; system assessment strategy; flowcharting your operations, establishing critical parameters and measurement; standards for management, validation of preventive controls, sanitation, temperature monitoring and container (vehicles, trailers and shipping containers), traceability and training; procedures, record keeping and retention; audit and certification, training, wash, ATP and bacteria testing, inspection and re-inspection requirements, calibration, MSDS, statistical analysis and records retention.

Learning objectives:

  • Develop a contract of carriage and other agreements required between carriers and shippers
  • Understand basic management, preventive control, sanitation, temperature monitoring and traceability and training standards
  • Help to write and implement appropriate container procedures (truck, trailer, sanitation, testing, container traceability and temperature monitoring)
  • Learn to keep appropriate records
  • Understand the transportation food safety audit and certification process
  • Help to establish preventive controls
  • Understand how to collect, analyze and take preventive action using statistical data

Running Your Training Program

Make sure you write down your account password when registering.

All training modules are prerecorded Power Point presentations.  Once started, the slides and the training will progress at its own pace.  You must turn on your speakers or put on your headphones before starting the training

You may stop the training if you are interrupted by clicking on the arrow on the bottom left side of your screen.  You may also adjust the volume.

Once you have finished a training module, download the next one until all three have been finished (about 3 hours total).  When you finish the last module, be sure to download your training certificate.  Make a copy for yourself and, and if you are an owner operator, email a copy to your customers.

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If you have problems viewing your training, try a different browser.  Different browsers work differently when used by different networks.

Presenter—Dr. John Ryan

Dr. John Ryan holds a Ph.D. in research and statistical methods. He is President of the Sanitary Cold Chain which provides food safety assessment, training, audit and certification services to shippers, carriers and receivers impacted by the new law. He is retired from his position as the administrator for the Hawaii State Department of Agriculture’s Quality Assurance Division where he headed up Hawaii’s commodity inspection, food safety certification and measurement standards service groups.

His latest book “Guide to Food Safety During Transportation: Controls, Standards and Practices” was published in 2014. He has spent over 25 years implementing high technology quality control systems for international corporations in the United States and around the world.